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Your Mind on Mindfulness: How It Works (Pt. 1 of 2)

There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full. Henry Kissinger Perhaps you've heard of the legendary American statesman, Henry Kissinger. Widely known in his day for the wise witticisms that peppered his international diplomacy, he always appeared suave and in control. Wouldn't we all like to possess that attractive trait -- to be unnerved by the stress of work demands, family responsibilities, and social pressures. To be in control of our response to external stress.…

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Sun Inside Fingers OK Sign

How Mindfulness Replaces Stress – Every Time! (Pt. 2 of 2)

My key to dealing with stress is simple: Just stay cool and stay focused. Ashton Eaton How can you develop mindfulness to replace stress in any situation? As the young, retired athlete, Ashton Eaton, reveals in the quote above, "just stay cool and stay focused." Sure, easier said than done. He certainly employed exceptional skills for staying focused when he broke the world decathlon and heptathlon records. Mr. Eaton is right: It's easier to say cool when we are focused. However,…

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