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Graphic: Flutter Of Writing Supplies

How Organized Are You? Quiz and Excuse List Reveal the Truth! (Pt. 1 of 3)

A friend once told me, "A person with a tidy house is either never home or very boring." Being one to question the basics, I started to wonder if the most interesting and successful people tend to have cluttered and sloppy surroundings. Around the same time, I was working in an office where the chief executive displayed the polar opposite in his work style. Every time I passed his office, I caught sight of his calm, distinguished, aquiline profile, at…

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Pile Of Multi-colored Messy Paper Clips

5 Ways Clutter Causes You Stress! (Pt. 2 of 3)

Welcome to Part 2 of our series: Organized and Clutter-Free At Last Our aim here is to declutter your life for stress relief. In our last post, we helped you personalize your project of getting organized.  You scored your level of organization habits against a checklist of common everyday occurrences. We also offered a list of widely used excuses to help you discover whether you, like so many other people, might be justifying a lack of organization. Both of these steps are…

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6 Color Paper Clips Standing In Order

Clear Clutter Now: Practical and Tactical Tips to Get It Done! (Pt. 3 of 3)

See it: Your space entirely clear and organized! Everything you need is accessible. Whatever was not needed is gone. Your room is refreshing, rejuvenating and stress-free! You are about to make the vision a reality. Prepare yourself mentally. Don't think you have to finish it in one day. Clearing clutter and getting organized is not an overnight endeavor. If you’ve seen TV shows that tackle clutter, you may already have a clue as to how much work it actually takes…

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